The Rivers Secondary College, Lismore High Campus

Success with Pride

Telephone02 6621 5185

P & C

Presidents Welcome

The Lismore High P & C is an active group of parents and carers who meet regularly each month during the school term.

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6pm in the Staff Common Room opposite the office and generally finish by 7pm. Parents, carers and community members are invited to attend meetings and participate in the friendly discussions ranging from the future direction of the school to student welfare and resources. Meetings are a great opportunity to find out what is happening at the school, including any future plans and events, as well as to share new ideas.

We believe the P & C play a vital role in the education of our children at Lismore High and work in partnership with staff, teachers and the principal to ensure high expectations are instilled in our children with a strong focus on teaching and learning.

Nadine Toniello

P & C President

P & C Association

We warmly welcome new P&C members and new volunteers for the canteen – a few hours of your time each month will ensure not only that you help Lismore High remain an excellent campus, but also that you get the most out of your association with the campus.